Premium Padel Gear Designed in Sweden

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Don't settle for the ordinary

Round Shape Rackets

Low balance, circular hole pattern, and an extra-large sweet spot - forgiving and perfect for entry-level players as well as intermediate players that seek maximum precision and control.

Drop Shape Rackets

Medium balance, 100% carbon and sandy finish - perfect for smooth spins and power in the attacking game without sacrificing too much control.

About Us

The world is a serious place. Way too serious, if you ask us. Not everything has to be a matter of life or death. Sure it’s nice to win sometimes, but it’s nice to wear a spandex suit too – until you have to pee.

Somehow, grown-up society has forgotten – marginalized, even – one of the most important and natural parts of life: play. This amazing little thing we all used to be experts at... is a basic human need. As important as seven hours’ sleep (yes, there’s even some super serious research to back this up!*). Our body and mind don’t need us to conquer a 10 km run in under 40 minutes. They need to be reconfigured and rested. They need to laugh, joke, and sweat – ideally all at once.

We created TWOTWO to encourage all of this. To make people play. With revolutionary products? Yes, of course. But also with a totally different mindset. We value the social aspect and the off-court activities just as much as the performance and the #winning. We love crazy trick shots and all the misfits with annoyingly natural talent. We love late-night games submerged in floodlights and loud music. We even love tradition-breaking left-handed tournaments for right-handed players. Because if there’s anything the world needs now, more than ever, it’s play.

(*google it)


What Our Customers Says

"The minimalistic design, choice of material, refined and eye-catching bright details, and sophisticated mid-tones, create the perfect balance between sleek, fun, and performance.”

— Marc

”I’ve been playing padel for over two years now. As soon as I saw the Play Two racket I bought it with high expectations thinking the team perhaps prioritized design over function and feel. Happy to say function and feel is much better than my previus racket as well. Amazing!”

— Jesper A, Sweden

"Really great intermediate racket 🔥 Love the control it gives which makes it easy and fun to play with."

— Camilla

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